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Along with the fun and celebrations, the festive occasion can be an apt ground for learning, say experts

Diwali is here with its cheer, lights and joy. And along with the festive splendour, the most awaited moments are those spent with kids and loved ones. It’s a great opportunity for good parenting as well. Everyday situations make for great learning experiences and Diwali, too, is an apt opportunity to shape character, believes psychologist Dr Sanjoy Mukerji. “They could learn about respect, honesty, compassion, cooperation, responsibility and friendliness, all of which foster harmonious relationships. The festival is symbolic of burning away anything negative — like anger, guilt or even ego — and filling it with a positive, bright light,” he says.

Sweets, toys and gifts can teach a child to share. Dr. Pavan Sonar, psychiatrist and psychotherapist, shares his view. “I just met a couple with two children a few days ago. The kids had a bitter rivalry among them. When the daughter was given something, the son tried to bully her and take it away and she did the same when it came to her brother. I advised them to use the upcoming occasion of Diwali as a springboard to foster harmony. During the festival, the whole environment changes at home. Kids often receive money and gifts, small toys as well as chocolates. They can be taught the value of spreading joy through these. Instead of parents handing out gifts, older siblings can present a gift to the younger ones and vice-versa, which will build a feeling of unity among them.”

He also says giveaways to others should be encouraged. “Kids should be taught to give old toys and books to the lesser privileged when they get new ones,” adds Dr Sonar. Generosity is a character trait that kids must have, adds psychologist Malini Krishnan. “Even within the context of Diwali, the child can be asked to call the neighbour’s kids to help — like for a puja, distributing mithais or making a rangoli together. Adults can also demonstrate the same behaviour by being patient and basically doing what you want the child to learn. If you have a children’s party and another child is feeling left out, ask your child to invite him or her to play, explaining that it’s always nice to give back and make others feel wanted,” she says.

Being considerate of others is also very important, she adds. “Involving kids in household chores by giving them age-appropriate stuff to do, makes them feel involved. But remember, give them positive feedback for it or correct them in such a way so that it doesn’t serve as rejection. This makes them act responsibly.”

Teach the child to recognise what is right and wrong.

When he or she acts in ways that reflect these values, their self-respect is enhanced. Give them positive feedback when they do this!

Teach your child to notice the good things that are all around. For example, as you walk into the house, say, “Aren’t we lucky to have a home at Diwali? Or, “Look how happy your grandparents are to see you.”

Helping them realise safety when it comes to burning crackers. Is the area safe? Are people around?

Hold your children accountable for mistakes. If they are careless with a glass object and break it or spill food, make them aware of what they have done.

Applaud good behaviour when you observe them performing good actions.

Ismat Tahseen


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