Always take the advice of your physician before self medicating so that you are warned about adverse effects of certain drugs. Doctors prescribe medicine, of which they know little, to patients of which they know less. This has been a wellknown statement. It should be rephrased to “doctors prescribe medicine, of which medical science knows little to patients of which medical science knows evenless”. The database of evidence changes from time to time and what we might have prescribed yesterday may be considered disastrous today. I remember a colleague had gone to see a patient who had a urinary infection. This man also had a neck and spinal surgery done for early compression of his cervical spine. During the course of his therapy for urine infection, he developed fits and became incontinent. A neurologist opined that the medication prescribed for the urinary infection – aquinolone — caused the fit. This was construed by the patient and his relatives as inappropriate medication and I ...
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