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Dating Boo-boos

Ever wondered why that first date never led to a second one? Read to find out what you did wrong

You’ve been there a multiple times. A first date that ended really well, but you were back home with your book the next Saturday night. From talking about your best friend, to your exes, here’s what might not be going in your favour.

Linda Goodman made a fun read in STD VIII, when the only way you could find out if you and the guy you had a ‘crush’ on — no one uses that word anymore BTW — were compatible was by flipping the pages of love signs. Now, there’s a better way: of going out with the guy and having a conversation with him. No one wants to be judged by whether they are the classic Piscean or Scorpio man. And the room begins to feel especially stuffy if you tell them that yours and his sign are ‘compatible’. Do yourself a favour, let him figure that out himself.

Okay, so some one told you guys up the heat from the word go. And that has been your cue to get touchy, feely from the minute you sat on the table (how many times did you ‘accidently’ brush his foot under the table, huh?). But here’s the truth, men are quite conservative at least when it comes to the first few dates — if they are interested in more than a one-nightstand i.e. So, while you talk about your likes and dislikes over dinner, keep your favourite sex positions out of the conversation.

This is not a follow-up of the previous point. We are talking about your pets — the pup you picked from the street, the kitten who adopted you, the bird you nursed to health, etc. If he asks if you have pets (though it’s unlikely unless he has one himself), mention it. Don’t start telling stories of where you got each one of them, the names you have given them and how your life revolves around them. Let him think there’s room for him too.

Women think talking about how awesome their friends are will reflect on their own good qualities. But what the man ends up hearing is: look at my friend, she is so awesome that she is perfect for you. They think you want to set the two up. Which is why he ends up asking for your flatmate’s number and treating you like a buddy. If setting your best pal is not what you intended to do, just stick to saying you like her and move on.

The number of times we have to say this is unbelievable. Imagine you are the guy sitting next to a girl on a first date, who can’t stop talking about her exboyfriend. How long would it take for you to get up, pretend to go to the loo and never return? Yeah, that’s what guys feel. If you are talking about your ex this extensively to a guy, who you should believe wants to be with you, then it’s a clear sign that you haven’t moved on. And a clear sign for the guy to. Move on i.e.

Now the problem is that there are many men in the world who will say they don’t like to read, what they mean is they don’t like to read books. They are probably busy reading about the world through blogs and new websites on their smart phones. So, when you say you don’t read at all, what they see is a woman living in a cocoon — not knowing about the US government shutdown or the latest scam that’s troubling the country’s politicos. And no one wants to date someone living in a cocoon.

 Like, so here’s the deal. Smart people you known don’t like people like you know the ones who say like a lot. Didn’t that sentence annoy you? So when any self-respecting English speaking person hears this very ambiguous word more than once in a sentence, they are likely to switch off. It may take a while, but like practise not saying like.
Mumbai Mirror Bureau
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